According to my doctor, there are months well-known in medical circles as “transitional” periods or times of unrest & discomfort for their patients. September, for instance is a time for change and new beginnings for many people. The months of January & February (especially here in the Pacific Northwest) are when doctors and counsellors see […]
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Close the door softly as you go: 2013 in review & an optimistic look at the year ahead
A lot of people I know had a very rough 2013. They’ve said “Hey 2013! Don’t the let the door hit your ass on the way out!” For me, the year wasn’t without its challenges and I’m looking forward to 2014 with a sense of purpose & excitement that I haven’t felt in years. I […]

New holiday traditions after divorce
We all have our family holiday traditions – for us, traditions include picking out & trimming the Christmas tree, fighting over which stuffed animal adorns the tree top (last year was a purple squid, this year a gentle lamb is our angel), blending Christmas & Hanukah (Oh, Chrismukah!) a walk around Lost Lagoon to admire […]

Erase the Date: what happens to your anniversary after divorce?
I still have the Save the Date! postcard we sent to our friends & family to announce our engagement and wedding date. It was a cheeky, goofy, blatantly non-traditional design that captured our quirky personalities. The wedding day was pure joy followed by epic mishap. Lather, rinse, repeat. In other words, it was a perfectly […]

Splitting up the holidays doesn’t have to tear your family apart
When you have children and are going through a divorce, it’s as inevitable as splitting the assets: splitting the holidays. How do you divide the holidays without tearing your family apart? When we separated in the Spring of 2010, there were several months to process (read: get depressed) and discuss (read: argue) about how we […]
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