“Oh, I just can’t do it! My hubby’s away on a boys’ fishing trip this weekend and I’m a single mom. It’s just too much work.” When I hear a married woman say this, it makes me want to kick her in the baby maker. You see, I am a single mom. I am divorced. My […]
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Partners in parenting: from primary parent to single parent to co-parent
Spring Break was the perfect time to reflect on my status as a single parent. The first week, my ex took our kids to Cancun with some other families & I enjoyed some adult-only time in Cabo. My week with the kids was spent locally, but we still had fun. Spending a full 10 days […]

Divorce Doula – not just for divorced people!
This past weekend, I had a chance to speak with three happily married friends who confessed that they were big Divorce Doula fans. I was a little surprised, but extremely pleased to hear how much they enjoyed my blog, because I kind of assumed that my audience consisted of mostly divorced people or those contemplating […]

Co-parenting with dignity & humour. Even when your child is “particular.”
My ex texted me this morning after he dropped the kids off at school: “I think I’m going to start a blog.” My first response was “Oh crap. He’s going to start a Divorce Doula site for dudes. Back off, buddy! I’m glad you’re cool with my blog about our divorce, but this is […]

You’ve got a friend, or do you? How friendships change during your divorce
When you get divorced, you lose so much more than your spouse. Of course, many people would love to conveniently “misplace” their spouse & there were several times when I thought about leaving mine on the church steps like a box of kittens, with a “Free to Good Home” sign around his neck. But that […]
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