I’m what most people would call a Book Worm. I read somewhere between 35-40 books a year; some for review, some for reference but mostly for pleasure. If I happen to find myself with a free afternoon or knocked out by the flu, reading is my Netflix; I will happily binge read an entire book […]
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New family, new traditions
We set up our Christmas tree tonight and true to family tradition, it is topped not with an angel or star but a sea creature. One year it was a Purple Squid. The next, a Great White Shark named Pizza. This year, a Manta Ray tops our tree. Our Christmas tree is as untraditional as […]

For the love of books – technology and the new age of reading
As a single parent and work at home mom (WAHM) I often struggle with how to keep my kids entertained & engaged while I go about the business of running the household & a business. The fantasy: they will lose themselves in a book or an art project for an hour while I prepare dinner […]

Tiger Parents: are you tired of tearing your kids to shreds? Try The Dolphin Way
Anais Nin wrote that love “begins where the myth fails. Then we love a human being, not our dream, but a human being with flaws.” If there is such a thing as modern mythology it can be found in our pursuit of perfect parenting. We live in constant fear of making a bad decision or saying […]

A slice of life: Remembering the “good stuff” after your divorce
According to my doctor, there are months well-known in medical circles as “transitional” periods or times of unrest & discomfort for their patients. September, for instance is a time for change and new beginnings for many people. The months of January & February (especially here in the Pacific Northwest) are when doctors and counsellors see […]
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