Like most girls, I love shiny, sparkly things: sequins, disco balls & above all else: diamonds. But what happens when one of your most prized accessories – your engagement ring – becomes a burden instead of a bauble? When my ex & I separated, I immediately took my engagement ring off but continued to wear […]
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Unexpected delights: Divorce Doula nominated by
Well, I wasn’t expecting THAT. Less than one year after my first Divorce Doula post, I woke up to discover that I’ve been selected as one of the top 30 blogs in Vancouver by Hashtag AWESOME! As I’ve said previously I love writing this blog. It gives me an outlet for my erstwhile creative […]

Small sacrifices, priceless rewards
If you know me or have gotten to know me through my blog, you know that I am a runner. Running is my sport of choice, the closest thing I have to a religion, way cheaper than therapy and best of all? I get to wear pretty running shoes. For fitness, I run 3-4 times […]

How I Met Your Mother: when do you introduce your kids to your new love?
“How long should I wait before I introduce my kids to my new partner?” If I had a dime for every time I’ve been asked this question, I’d be one rich Divorce Doula! I’d probably even stop writing this cash cow of a blog, patent some cookie cutter response & then sit back to watch the […]

For the love of running: Why the Boston bombings will not stop me from running
I am a runner. And today, I am especially proud to be a runner. Today, along with the rest of the world, I watched the tragedy unfold at the Boston Marathon finish line. Boston is, along with the New York City Marathon, one of the “holy grails” of running races. All runners watch the Boston […]
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