Most people are familiar with Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ Five Stages of Grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance (or DABDA, which is kind of snappy for such a sad concept). The model is most commonly used to describe the stages we go through when confronted with illness, death or the death of a loved one, but […]
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It’s two years of shit, then it just…gets better
Although I enjoy a good relationship with my ex today and am living proof that divorce does not equal death, the past three years weren’t exactly brined chicken & roses. In the beginning, there was so much hurt, regret, bitterness, anger and what felt like pure hatred. There were big fat lies and there were […]

The world’s best ex-husband
I am blessed. Truly, I have the world’s best ex-husband. I’m not bragging, I’m just so grateful. But to be honest, I am a pretty kick-ass ex-wife. It’s not always easy to spend non-court mediated time with your former spouse, but my ex & I do it willingly every week during what we call Family […]
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